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Shenzhen Pilot Station

信息来源: 深圳港引航站 日期:2024-07-08 15:55 字号:[ ] 视力保护色:123455

  Shenzhen Pilot Station, affiliated with Transportation Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality(Port and Shipping Administration of Shenzhen Municipality), is the one and only pilot institution in Shenzhen Port. The mission of Shenzhen Pilot Station is to defend state sovereignty, to ensure the safety of the vessels,ports and water area, and to promote the production development of the ports. With their excellent skills, good sense of services and hard-working spirit, they provide excellent pilot service for all the domestic and foreign ships that sail across the water area of Shenzhen Port, protect the development of Shenzhen ports, and contribute a lot to the development of the modern logistics industry in Shenzhen and the construction of the municipality.

  Our Responsibility: Enforce pilot to the foreign ships in the water area in Shenzhen Port and provide pilot service to the domestic ships

  Our Aims: Safe pilot, excellent service, clean and efficient, pioneering and innovative

  Our Promise: To help the port and shipping companies 

  to overcome their difficulties wholeheartedly

  Our Slogan: To treat the business of the port as our own

  Our Management: Institutionalized, standardized and modernized

  Our Starting Point: be propitious to safety, production and 


  Our Standard Pole: The satisfaction of shippers, companies and people

  Our Goal: To construct harmony with the port and stride ahead together



地 址:深圳市福田区竹子林紫竹七道16号公路主枢纽管理控制中心21楼

电话:(0755)83797166 传真:(0755)83799329 邮箱:szpilot@jtys.sz.gov.cn 邮编:518032


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